
After several years spent in the competitive MMO titles that simply were not able to love one reason or another, by the return of the “king” I was surprised how much more it becomes apparent that the WoW product of the last decade. I am not referring specifically to graphics and aesthetics that I actually still like for bright colors and charming tone, but mainly on prehistoric, but also crucial physics struggle which forms the basis of gameplay. Gameplay that you are expected to spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours.

You see, no matter how golden hooves you put your horse, or in this case Blizzard her, it does not change the fact that actually riding the old cow which tits hang down to the floor, and now the turn after two years of drought thirst the new addition as a deity only because it brings glass of water with three ice cubes.


One of the thicker points on the box of this product are legendary artifacts that serve you as the main weapon in particular leveling and upgrading playing by the new islands. However there is another problem – it is difficult to have considered legendary when you are almost free of surrender in the first 20 minutes. The same object with which the millions of other players also now beat the demons could take away all future opportunities to put into the hands of something new, and your last hard obtained purple lovers in turn leaving the bank to collect dust.

The “transmographic” system is also simplified with the Legion so now it resembles Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2. Looks of each piece of equipment you have ever put on are stored in the personal collection from which you can choose what you wear today, including natural and weapons which solves before mentioned care of artifacts. New islands are crowded with special, and various random beasts that can wipe out the special prizes, although they do not have a specific quest.


They encounter a completely blind and thanks to the fact that other players no longer can “steal” quests, including general targets needed for quests – the presence of other players is not something that just annoys you . This rule, although there are some exceptions, which I have not yet managed to fully grasp, but I will not talk about technicalities make it longer because it is already too long and this reading.

As you can see from the attached, these are just some of the solid additions and changes Legion brings, and there are really many of them . Although my personal opinion is that direction that Blizzard takes with every expansion is not pleasing to me, because WOW Legion effectively denies again and bypasses most of your previous efforts, however, there is a package whose purchase you will not get over. The rest of us will return in the line waiting for something fresh, something more exciting, maybe even day when we’ll witness Warcraft’s transformation from pupae to butterfly.
