Extension packs | 337902, 258744, 277840, 283541, 646560, 285462, 542501, 325502, 406074, 265461, 721050, 337900, 618682, 265462, 268614, 271963, 329821, 297644, 229754, 291473, 755742, 325503, 291470, 321170, 268611, 265463, 297641, 653890, 721053, 285461, 277841, 764331, 258743, 271964, 356240, 332292, 618770, 333091, 653860, 258741, 330630, 265464, 277842, 249921, 329820, 325501, 268613, 653891, 356230, 332290, 285460, 291474, 406073, 525440, 453160, 297643, 462210, 764330, 525441, 755744, 325504, 783507, 333090, 406071, 462081, 321100, 356231, 618771, 462087, 297645, 721052, 406072, 229755, 325500, 703471, 271963, 783508, 291472, 462086, 337901, 297640, 703470, 277843, 229751, 783501, 265460, 229750, 329822, 755740, 462083, 755741, 321180, 321182, 283542, 249920, 618681, 406078, 783500, 542500, 462211, 783505, 271962, 618680, 653861, 721051, 406077, 783502, 462088, 462213, 783504, 321181, 525442, 330650, 249923, 406076, 476041, 249922, 258742, 258745, 462212, 268612, 229753, 271960, 476040, 445450, 329823, 268610, 297642, 229752, 653892, 271961, 755743, 330631, 462084, 332291, 291471, 783506, 783503, 332293 |
Releases | German – released – 10. Dez. 2012, Japanese – released – 2012年12月10日, French – released – 10 déc. 2012, Brazilian Portuguese – released – 10/dez/2012, English – released – 10 Dec, 2012, Portuguese – released – 10 Dez, 2012 |
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