Ghost Recon Wildlands gameguin cover

I’d like to say I’m not a trained monkey. But when it comes to Ubisoft games open world, I’m still dancing as the French company plays. I promise you that I will carry out the silly side missions and would not collect a series of trivial thing that are scattered on the map, because none of this in the end does not change the main adventure. In character building I get carried away so much I rely in those open worlds that can keep the focus on the story, and when you look into all the distraction you are already so enough of all that my main task in the game is no longer interesting. Intriguing story rarely saves him, but these are the exceptions – as a rule in Ubisoft’s games invests wholesale more time than that they objectively deserve.

So I was with the Assassin’s Creed games and climbing towers at all possible – for nothing. This continued with Far Cry and crafting all possible equipment although I used only half of the arsenal. So again with Watch Dogs, so it was with the Division. Guess what – things have not changed much either with Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Ghost Recon Wildlands gameguin

Connoisseurs of Clancy’s series Wildlands did not look familiar as with its predecessors has almost nothing to do. On the other hand, to the connoisseurs of Ubisoft’s series Wildlands its structure will look incredibly familiar, while the rest of the audience Wildlands in no way will not be recognizable. Assassin’s Creed is one game where you jump on the roofs, in the Far Cry hunt animals, the Watch Dogs hacking traffic lights, in the Division loot caps for greater precision, and so on. In Ghost Recon Wildlands … shoot, I guess? You can drive and fly … and that’s about it. The only specificity is that all these activities can work off cooperatively with three other players.

Cooperative play is fun, provided you are playing with players who know what they are doing, and with the team that you make acquaintances or friends. If you have three people who will play Wildlands with you, free you count the extra 10-15 points on the final grade. If you do not, the mere support for co-operative play is not a big bonus. Forget the fact that the operation to break down the drug cartels ever look like a team what actions they Ubisoft presented at the E3 conference.

„Support for cooperative play is not necessarily a bright side to the game if they do not play with friends, or at least a serious team.“

Ghost Recon Wildlands gameguin

In public multiplayer you must avoid several obstacles in order to help cooperative play was pleasant. First you must find matchmaking enough players – and sometimes it happens that you can not possibly find all members. Then you must be lucky to make players want to communicate with you, because without (voice) communication things become much more difficult – especially at higher difficulty settings. Ultimately, you need to agree who drinks and who pays, because literally everyone on the team can determine what will work, to which the mission is going and the like. I do not need to teel you that  on public matchmaking you’ll run into players who are dying on average every two minutes and become a weight to it. How is the rest of the team can alienate the map, it is often the separation of the team, but you never know what you will get.

When you score the right to fall in a coordinated and synchronized team, Wildlands is a fun experience, in short doses. Feeling perforation is quite good, a change in targeting from the third to the first person is a natural and smooth. I dare say that the greatest contribution to the game in the fact that combines the transparency of a third party with the precision targeting of the first. Arsenal of weapons is very broad, and unless you have a perforation and various opportunities. You can for instance send drone explosives and resolve the situation from a distance. You can order the bombing or reconnaissance of an area, and when the going gets tough and you have the option urges the rebel forces to help. I think that the fight is not boring or when you play solo, or when the three other operatives managed by artificial intelligence. Then you have the convenience of synchronizing shots, and the team is always obedient as opposed to real players. But credit, unfortunately, stops there. The rest of the game is to train the monkeys tunes.

„Model perforation is quite good, and change camera pointing from third to first person is a natural and fluid.“

Ghost Recon Wildlands gameguin

The structure is such that you have 25 bad guys who need to capture dead or alive. The targets are divided into four categories, each with three ranks. First straighten so. Buchon, these 16 pieces, then underboss and his boss. In total, this amounts to about a hundred missions to a dozen variations – clears a territory, destroy / steal / Hack / defending something, examine / defraud / save someone, and so on. Not that there is no diversity, but in a hundred missions that means that you will do every thing that a minimum of ten times. And this I speak only for the main mission. One side are even worse because they are indicative there are about six types and include the same activities as the main ones, and they have no story but serve only to collect resources.

Resources are in need to be able to move forward. Do not ask how the medical help that you provide to the rebels will help you unlock a skill called long sprint. The logic behind this system is very unstable, but it is not the only part of the game that has very little to do with reality. There are for example the mission in which you must not be seen because you have to set the device to spy on someone’s house. In doing so it does not matter what before you can clear the entire property of the guards – that no one would be odd bit that you did your part. And if you happen to see someone there is no rescue. No matter how you quickly eliminated after that, no matter what one enemy did not have the ability to inform the other – the mission you still collapse.

„The meaning of “spirit” in Ghost Recon it to you in the mission must not be seen, and that leave behind a pile of corpses is someone else’s problem.“

Ghost Recon Wildlands gameguin

The real world there has no great links and no physics in the game. Best seen on helicopters whose landing do not need a lot of thinking – literally only halt the aircraft on the ground and nothing will be. Okay, the spacecraft will be slightly destroyed, but no big deal. Anyway, there are no clear rules in the performance of vehicles and aircraft works in this game. For example, I noticed that the opponent helicopters in the air, destroying one changer, as we should be for cars twice more. And there are some strange powers and skills that cars are driving more robust – just because you drive them, without being at all upgrading, regardless of which model you drive.

I am aware that this review has put quite a negative tone to the Ghost Recon Wildlands. I stand behind my critics because, although I’m little bit infected with game, I played too manny Ubisoft‘s games to again agree to be their trained monkey. We need to know when to stop. The same applies to the size of the virtual world. At one point, “many” becomes “too manny“, but in Ghost Recon Wildlands this is that moment when you realize that it does not matter what the environment around you is constantly changing, if you keep doing the same things, or things that are in other games more fun. It is no coincidence that the whole game reminiscent of Just Cause 2 because of similar climates, themes and moods, or JC2 for this game is God of fun with his chain explosions and jumping around the cars.

And when already trailing comparisons, Ghost Recon Wildlands is nothing but another case of the Mafia 3, only with worse story. He was saved by only cooperative play, but I remind you that even this conditional salvation. My rating does not come with the assumption that I can not do – that you’ll catch good team for Ghost Recon with whom it pays to play. Again, in case you do not have to rely on unknown players or AI comrades, Ghost Recon Wildlands can be a fun game. In all other scenarios, not far from the loss of time.

Ghost Recon wildlands gameguin